Water Filter RO7 WaterCell XRS7

WaterCell water filter

Water Filter RO7 WaterCell XRS7

Reverse osmosis water filter RO7 WaterCell XRS7 is equipped with seven filtration stages including: mechanical and activated carbon prefiltration, reverse osmosis RO membrane, inline activated carbon postfilter, additionally water remineraliser and water structuriser.

Water is the main and most important solvent in human organism. The water enables transportation of oxygen, enzymes, ions and minerals throughout our body. Therefore, the proper work of human body depends on water quality. The introduction of newest excelled WaterCell™ technology benefits in lowering the costs of everyday water purification. WaterCell XRS7 system restores the natural content of beneficial minerals in purified water and rebalances natural water structure.

Seven stage RO7 water filter WaterCell XRS7 assures excelled™ water filtration at molecule level, rebalances natural water structure and taste of water. The unit is equipped with three prefiltration cartridges (mechanical, activated carbon, fine mechanical filtration), reverse osmosis membrane, inline activated carbon postfilter. Additional water remineraliser WaterCell™ XRS7 refills purified water with natural, beneficial minerals including: natrium (sodium), potassium, calcium and magniesium ions. Excelled water filtration technology removes e.g. carcinogenic substances, heavy and radioactive metals. Seventh stage of filtration: water structuriser rebalances natural water structure using the energy of solar spectrum. Released energy recovers immunological system positively benefits blood systemy influences growth of new cells.

WaterCell XRS7 RO filter

Excelled™ Reverse Osmosis WaterCell ™ technology

  • the bioceramic structuriser rebuilds the natural structure of water, using the energy of the solar spectrum. Ceramic bioceramic beads emit radiation in the infrared spectrum of Far Infrared Rays, which leads to resonance with water molecules and other organic molecules. The released energy promotes the rebuilding of the body’s immune system organizmu, positively affects the blood system and promotes the development of new cells
  • the remineralising filter supplies water with a complex of minerals, such as: potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium, making it not only clean, but valuable for the human body
  • excelled™ reverse osmosis WaterCell™ delivers ultra-pure water of the highest quality
  • improves the absorption of nutrients, including the most important minerals of organic origin
  • eliminates lime and sludge from water for energy saving and extends the life of household appliances. Eliminates the problem of lime in the kettle
  • removes inorganic minerals from water. MInorganic minerals are not absorbed by the human body. These include minerals responsible for water hardness and the formation of lime in water
  • improves the taste of coffee, tea and also favorite dishes. It eliminates the smudges visible in tea
  • works extremely quietly, does not emit any sound
  • Reverse Osmosis filters are the most common known filtration method
  • osmotic water filters are the best and recommended method of domestic tap water treatment

Seven stages of filtration delivered in the XRS7 water filter

filtracja mechaniczna watercellFirst stage of filtration
The mechanical pre-filtration cartridge removes water-insoluble mechanical impurities such as sand, rust, mud, etc.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja weglem aktywnym watercellSecond filtration stage
Activated carbon cartridge permanently removes chlorine, pesticides, organic materials, certain salts and heavy metals from water.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja mechaniczna watercellThird filtration stage
The PP mechanical filter cartridge removes impurities up to 1 μm (one thousandth of a millimeter), such as pollen, sand and dust.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja osmotyczna watercellFourth stage of filtration
The excelled osmotic membrane filtration is the most important element of the system. Water filtration takes place at the level of water molecules. All kinds of harmful substances, including carcinogenic and radioactive substances, are removed from the water permanently.
Recommended replacement every 4-6 years

filtracja weglem aktywnym watercellFifth filtration stage
The final postcarbon inline filter contributes natural freshness and color to the water. In addition, the water recovers a natural, neutral odour.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja mineralizacja watercellSixth stage of filtration
Mineralising filter refills water with natural minerals. The mineralisation process enriches water only with natural minerals, making it not only pure, but also valuable for the human body. What is more, it improves the taste of water.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months
filtracja strukturyzacja watercellSeventh filtration stage
Bioceramic water structuriser rebuilds the natural structure of water, using the energy of the solar spectrum. The released energy promotes the rebuilding of the body’s immune system positively affects the blood system and thus the whole organism.
Recommended replacement approximately every 12 months

Choose the right faucet / tap for your WaterCell ™ water filter

The WaterCell XRS7 reverse osmosis filter can be equipped with the following types of taps / faucets:

  • classic double water faucet CF2C
  • modern double ceramic faucet CF2M
  • double faucet made of stainless steel CF2SS
  • three-way water filter faucet CF3M (hot, cold & filtered water)
  • four-way water filter CF4M (hot, cold, filtered water & mineralized water / ionized water)
  • Faucets for water filters are available in chrome, satin, stainless steel, white, black, and brass colours. Ask for details.

WaterCell ™ Water Filter Specifications

Filter Model:WaterCell™ XRS 7
Number of filtration steps:7 stages of filtration
Technology:Focused Excelled™ Filtration
Operating water temperature:from +2° C to +38° C
Operating pressure:from 2,5 to 6,0 bar
Capacity:280 l/day
Types of filter cartridges:wmechanical filter cartridge – activated carbon cartridge – fine mechanical filer cartridge – osmotic membrane – inline postcarbon cartridge – waterremineralisation cartridge – bioceramic waterstructuraliser
Replacement of filter cartridges:mechanical filters every 6 months – activate carbon cartridges every 6 months – osmotic membrane every 7,000 liters (approximately every 4-6 years) – postcarbon cartridges every 6 months – water remineralisation filters every 6 months
Maximum salinity of water:1000 ppm (1 g/l)
 * under the following conditions: water hardness < 85 mg/l; TDS < 1000 ppm; free chlorine < 0,1 ppm; SDI < 5; pH 3 – 11; Fe iron < 0,01 mg/l; manganese Mn < 0,05 mg/l; turbidity < 1NTU

Tags: Water RO filter, water filter, water filters, water filters, water treatment, фильтры для воды производитель, water structure, RO reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis manufacturer, umkehrosmose produzent, membrane filter for RO filters adsorption, water filter manufacturer, mineral water, reverse osmosis filters, how to remove stone in kettle, price filters, water purifier, water filter cartridges, reverse osmosis, water softener, water softener, hard water, mechanical filters, pure water best filter for osmosis water, Wasserfilter Produktion, membrane filter cartridge for RO filters, carbon cartridge, how to effectively filter water, mineralization cartridge, water filter replacement and service, water mineralization cartridge, effective water filters, water filter, osmotic membrane.

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