Water filter ionizer Redox ORP XRSi9

WaterCell water filter

The Redox ORP XRSi9 WaterCell™ water filter and ionizer is a source of natural, ionized alkaline water. Alkaline and ionized water is the best way to live healthier and longer, enjoying good physical condition, youthful appearance and vigor.

The Redox ORP XRSi9 water ionizer is a source of crystal clear alkaline water enriched with minerals necessary for healthy and proper functioning of the body. Ionized alkaline water has a negative ORP potential, cleanses toxins, hydrates cells, provides additional oxygen. The Redox ORP XRSi9 water filter and ionizer removes free radicals and remineralizes water by restoring a balanced, natural content of minerals and alkaline microelements.

Do you know this feeling: lack of energy and constant tiredness?

Do you feel tired? Your training progress is not visible despite the effort put in? Do you feel like your body is older than your biological age indicates? Is it getting harder and harder to preserve your body’s natural vitality and energy?

Free radicals and body acidification

Free radicals and body acidification are a serious matter that should not be underestimated. They can cause many diseases. They cause chronic fatigue, concentration problems, rheumatic diseases and many more. In addition, they create a convenient environment for the development of cancer cells, increasing the risk of cancer. Free radicals are responsible for so-called oxidative stress, destroy live cells, accelerate aging reactions. Let’s look at the process of rusting a piece of metal. This is the oxidation of metal. Fruit or meat also deteriorate due to oxidation. Oxidation is a process that destroys the structure of living tissues and materials. If you want to maintain the acid-base balance in your body, you must reduce the destructive effects of free radicals. The body has its own regulating system that can neutralize excess acid. When alkaline minerals are lacking, they are borrowed from internal organs. This causes an imbalance and surplus of acidic substances. However, when overloaded, the immune system weakens and we become more susceptible to various types of diseases.

Redox ORP skala jonizatory WaterCell

How to overcome free radicals and acidification of the body?

You can restore your acid-base balance, even in a highly acidified body. The best way is to increase the intake of alkaline products that neutralize the harmful effects of excess acids. Alkaline products include fruit, vegetables and cereal. Nutritionists recommend to drink water while avoiding carbonated drinks or artificial juice from the carton. Meanwhile, hardly anyone wonders, whether drinking water is oxidizing or alkaline, has any anti-oxidizing properties.

Ionized alkaline water – Redox ORP WaterCell ™ XRSi9 water filter ionizer.

We usually don’t pay attention to something like the Redox potential in drinking water. Water in the human body has an ORP level of -100 to -200. However, the water we drink usually has a positive ORP. When you drink water with a positive ORP, the body uses energy to lower the ORP to a natural level and prevent the oxidative process that destroys everything in your body. Similarly, it is of great importance to maintain an adequate, alkaline pH of our body, especially blood. For proper functioning, our body needs to maintain blood pH in the narrow range of 7.35-7.45. That is why drinking water of adequate quality, which constitutes 70% of our body and even up to 90% of our blood, is so important. Alkaline water with negative ORP not only reduces oxidation, but also saves the body extra work. Negative ORP changes water from the active oxidant into an extremely effective anti-oxidant. This feature makes it acquire some healing properties, hence the common name WATER OF YOUTH or WATER OF LONGEVITY.

Redox ORP WaterCell™ water ionizers are the easiest and best way to live healthier and longer, enjoying good physical condition, youthful appearance and vigor. Regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, regardless of your age, regardless of whether you enjoy good health or not, you will thank you for purchasing the Redox ORP WaterCell ™ water filter ionizer.

filtry redox WaterCell ujemne ORP a dodatnie ORP WaterCell
Migration of electrons in water with negative and positive ORP

Nine-stage Redox ORP XRSi9 water filter ionizer

The nine-stage Redox ORP WaterCell XRSi9 water filter ionizer uses #PureTech hyperfiltration technology to increase the pH of the water and the quality of Redox ORP potential. XRSi9 treats water at the molecular level, i.e. at the level of water molecules, restoring its natural taste and smell. The system is equipped with three pre-filtration cartridges, a membrane made using focused reverse osmosis technology and an inline carbon post-filtration cartridge. Reverse osmosis technology removes 99% of all impurities found in tap or well water from the water. These are mechanical impurities such as stone, sand, rust, etc., chemical impurities, carcinogens, heavy and radioactive metals, pesticides. The filter ionizer also removes organic impurities, including cysts, bacteria and viruses, from water. Through an additional mineralizing cartridge WaterCell ™ XRSi9 restores the natural content of minerals in water, among others: ions of potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium, thus making it not only pure, but also valuable for the human body. The eighth stage of filtration: the structuring module restores the natural hexagonal structure of water, using the energy of the sunlight spectrum. The released energy promotes the reconstruction of the human body’s immune system, positively affects the blood system and promotes the development of new cells. The next stage is the ionization of water consisting of flow through a special Redox block. It is here that the process of releasing active hydrogen occurs, which is responsible for the beneficial decrease in the ORP potential of water, reduces oxidation and reduces the amount of free radicals.

ORP redox pH wody water pH WaterCell

Innovative #PureTech technology of Redox ORP WaterCell™ ionizers water

  • ORP redox block is responsible for the beneficial decrease of the ORP potential in water, reduces oxidation and reduces the amount of free radicals.
  • active water ionization, increase of water pH, ionised alkaline water
  • the bioceramic water structuring module rebuilds the natural hexagonal structure of water, using the energy of the sunlight spectrum. Bioceramic ceramic beads emit radiation in the Far Infrared Rays spectrum, which leads to resonance with water and other organic molecules. The released energy promotes the reconstruction of the body’s immune system, positively affects the blood system and promotes the development of new cells.
  • under the influence of bioceramic radiation of the structuring module, the ionised alkaline water clusters adopt the structure of 6 particles (hexagonal structure of water), while tap water usually consists of clusters of 10 to 13 particles. For this reason, ionised alkaline water is, you can say more „liquid”, which is easier to penetrate into the blood and through the membranes of cells.
  • thanks to the hexagonal structure, ionized alkaline water gets into the tissues much easier than ordinary water, participates in their direct life processes, provides cells with food and oxygen faster, facilitates the excretion of toxins.
  • improves the absorption of nutrients, including the most important minerals of organic origin
  • eliminates lime and sludge from water for energy saving and extends the life of household appliances. Eliminates the problem of lime in the kettle
  • removes inorganic minerals from water. MInorganic minerals are not absorbed by the human body. These include minerals responsible for water hardness and the formation of lime in water
  • improves the taste of coffee, tea and also favorite dishes. It eliminates the smudges visible in tea
  • works extremely quietly, does not emit any sound
  • Reverse Osmosis filters are the most common known filtration method
  • osmotic water filters are the best and recommended method of domestic tap water treatment

Do you want an ionizer filter to match your kitchen?

Choose the right battery, faucet, tap for your WaterCell ™ water filter ionizer

The Redox ORP WaterCell ™ XRSi9 water filter ionizer can be equipped with the following types of taps / faucets:

  • classic double ceramic faucet CF2C
  • modern double ceramic faucet CF2M
  • double ceramic faucet made of stainless steel CF2SS
  • three-way water filter faucet CF3M (hot, cold water, filtered water)
  • four-way water filter faucet CF4M (hot, cold water, filtered water, mineralized water & ionized water)
  • Faucets, taps for water ionizer filters are available in chrome, satin, in stainless steel, in white, in black, in brass colors. Ask for details.

Redox ORP WaterCell ™ XRSi9 water filter ionizer – filtration stages

filtracja mechaniczna watercellFirst stage of filtration
The mechanical pre-filtration cartridge removes water-insoluble mechanical impurities such as sand, rust, mud, etc.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja weglem aktywnym watercellSecond filtration stage
Activated carbon cartridge permanently removes chlorine, pesticides, organic materials, certain salts and heavy metals from water.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja mechaniczna watercellThird filtration stage
The PP mechanical filter cartridge removes impurities up to 1 μm (one thousandth of a millimeter), such as pollen, sand and dust.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja osmotyczna watercellFourth stage of filtration
The osmotic membrane filtration is the most important element of the system. Water filtration takes place at the level of water molecules. All kinds of harmful substances, including carcinogenic and radioactive substances, are removed from the water permanently.
Recommended replacement every 4-6 years

filtracja weglem aktywnym watercellFifth filtration stage
The final postcarbon inline filter contributes natural freshness and color to the water. In addition, the water recovers a natural, neutral odour.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months

filtracja mineralizacja watercellSixth stage of filtration
Mineralising filter refills water with natural minerals. The mineralizing cartridge enriches water only with natural minerals, thus making it not only pure but also valuable for the human body. This improves the taste of water. The mineralization cartridge additionally raises the pH of the water, which makes it alkaline. The ionized alkaline water contains easily absorbable alkaline metal ions (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium). It is worth mentioning that all the main fluids of our body (such as blood, brain fluid, lymph, cellular fluid, etc.) are slightly alkaline. Blood parameters are very important. The body can function properly only if the blood has a slightly alkaline level (pH in the range 7.35-7.45). Even a small excess of these values ​​is very dangerous. Therefore, when we drink ionized alkaline water every day, our body receives a „cocktail” of appropriate ions, necessary to maintain the alkaline environment.
Recommended replacement approximately every 6 months
filtracja strukturyzacja watercellSeventh filtration stage
The bioceramic water structuring module contributes to the release of energy and the improvement of the state of the circulatory and immune systems, and thus the whole body. Bioceramic ceramic beads emit radiation in the Far Infrared Rays spectrum, which leads to resonance with water and other organic molecules. The released energy promotes the reconstruction of the body’s immune system, positively affects the blood system and promotes the development of new cells. Water particles have an unusual property, they join together into structures, forming the so-called clusters. Under the influence of bioceramic radiation of the structuring module, the ionised alkaline water adopt the clusters structure of 6 particles (hexagonal structure), while the tap water usually consist of clusters of 10-13 particles. For this reason, ionised alkaline water is, you can say more „liquid”, which is easier to penetrate into the blood and through the membranes of cells. Thanks to the hexagonal structure, ionized alkaline water much easier than tap water enters the tissues, participates in their direct life processes, provides cells with food and oxygen faster, facilitates the excretion of toxins.
Recommended replacement approximately every 12 months

redox orp watercellEighth filtration stage
The ORP Redox ionization block is responsible for the beneficial decrease in the ORP potential in water, oxidation and reduction the amount of free radicals. It increases the pH of water, produces ionised alkaline water. When we drink ionized alkaline water, our body receives an additional amount of free electrons that combine with free radicals. In this way, free radicals cease to be active, their harmful effects are reduced, and healthy cells are additionally protected, the path to their mutation is closed. As a consequence, we strengthen our immune system and aging processes slow down. Depending on the configuration, the WaterCell ionizer filter can be equipped with two types of Redox ORP ionization blocks: Mini or Maxi. The Redox Mini ionization block has an ORP potential of 0 to –200 mV, while the Redox Maxi ionization block has an ORP potential of –50 to –400 mV.

doubleprotection watercellNinth filtration stage
#DoubleProtection – a system of double protection against viruses and bacteria. #DoubleProtection system is a WaterCell™ innovation, not available from other filter ionizer manufacturers.

manometr RO watercellPressure gauge Manometer – optional
Manometr. Pressure gauge, Manometer. For safety and convenience, the XRSi9 ionizer filter can be additionally equipped with a pressure gauge. The manometer allows continuous measurement of the water working pressure. Facilitates service and device control after replacing filter cartridges.

WaterCell ™ Water Filter Specification

Filter Model: WaterCell™ XRSi9
Number of filtration steps: 9 stages of filtration
Technology: Focused osmotic hiperfiltration
Operating water temperature: from +2° C to +38° C
Operating pressure: from 2,5 to 6,0 bar
Capacity: 280 l/day
Types of filter cartridges: mechanical filter cartridge – activated carbon cartridge – fine mechanical filer cartridge – osmotic membrane – inline postcarbon cartridge – water remineralisation cartridge – bioceramic water structuraliser module – Redox ionization block – #DoubleProtection system
Replacement of filter cartridges: mechanical filters every 6 months – activate carbon cartridges every 6 months – osmotic membrane every 7,000 liters (approximately every 4-6 years) – postcarbon cartridges every 6 months – water remineralisation filters every 6 months – water structuralising module every 12 months – Redox mini 2″ every 6 months; blok Redox maxi 2,5″ every 12 months (depending on the model) – #DoubleProtection system every 6 months
Maximum salinity of water: 1000 ppm (1 g/l)
  * under the following conditions: water hardness < 85 mg/l; TDS < 1000 ppm; free chlorine < 0,1 ppm; SDI < 5; pH 3 – 11; Fe iron < 0,01 mg/l; manganese Mn < 0,05 mg/l; turbidity < 1NTU

The Redox ORP WaterCell™ water filter ionizer is an excellent alternative to very expensive water ionizing systems that often cost several hundrd euros. The ionizer filter causes an increase in the pH of water, an increase in active hydrogen, a reduction in ORP, and removes free radicals. The ionizer filter produces alkaline ionized water. Provides negative ORP. It provides alkaline water up to -500 mV and minerals necessary to maintain health and fitness.

In addition, the WaterCell™ filter ionizer does not require electricity connection. You can safely use it without worrying about overvoltages and electricity bills.

The uniqueness of the WaterCell™ filter ionizer is also that, it is both a filter (purifies water, enriches with beneficial minerals) and an ionizer (produces ionized water with an alkaline pH).

Tags: Water ionizers RO filter, water filter, water filters, ionised water filters, water treatment, фильтры для воды производитель, water structure, RO reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis manufacturer, umkehrosmose produzent, ionizer producer, membrane filter for RO filters adsorption, water filter manufacturer, mineral water, reverse osmosis filters, how to remove stone in kettle, Redox ORP cartridge, price filters, water purifier, water filter cartridges, reverse osmosis, water softener, water softener, hard water, mechanical filters, pure water best filter for osmosis water, Wasserfilter Produktion, membrane filter cartridge for RO filters, carbon cartridge, how to effectively filter water, best water ionizer, mineralization cartridge, water filter replacement and service, water mineralization cartridge, effective water filters, water filter, osmotic membrane.